I just received an email that was so amazing, so shocking that I have read it probably 28 times to validate its authenticity. I checked the calendar, nope still September 3rd not April 1st. What is going on?
What if I told you that the greatest band in the history of time (even better than Gomez or the Cardigans) was reuniting for one night only. One concert. How much would you pay? $100? $1000?
Well I just received the following email sent from Ben Folds and Myspace...

Subject: Ben Folds Five To Reunite
MySpace, the world’s premier social network, today announced the exciting launch of its newest music program, Front to Back, celebrating iconic albums that have helped shape the MySpace Generation. MySpace kicks off this program by reuniting beloved alt-pop band Ben Folds Five with an exclusive one-time live performance of their final studio album together, The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner, in its entirety. The concert will be the band's first performance together in nearly ten years and will take place in the band’s former hometown of Chapel Hill, North Carolina on September 18, 2008 at the UNC Memorial Hall. The show will be rebroadcast on the Front to Back official MySpace profile in October http://myspace.com/fronttoback “We are honored and excited that Ben Folds Five is helping launch this new music program,” said Josh Brooks, VP of Music Marketing for MySpace. “Front to Back is about connecting and re-connecting the MySpace community, fans and bands alike with some of the most acclaimed and inspirational albums ever produced.” Front to Back asks leading artists to perform one of their own seminal albums, from front to back, in a live concert that is then later aired on the site. The airing of the event includes interviews with the band as well as artists who were influenced by the album. Presented by Nowwhat.com, tickets to the Ben Folds Five Front to Back taping will go on sale to the public through etix.com on September 8th at 10 AM EST. Additional Front to Back performances will be announced by MySpace in the coming months. Piano-based rock trio Ben Folds Five formed in Chapel Hill, North Carolina in 1993. Comprised of Ben Folds on vocals and piano, Robert Sledge on bass and backing vocals and Darren Jessee on drums and backing vocals, the group quickly became heroes in the world of indie alternative-pop. The band, well-known for their hit single "Brick" from their platinum-selling 1997 album Whatever and Ever Amen, was together seven years before disbanding amicably in 2000, at which time Ben Folds began his esteemed solo career while Darren Jessee went on to form the band Hotel Lights and Robert Sledge went on to play in the now defunct International Orange. Folds' third solo studio album, Way to Normal, releases on September 30, 2008. The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner was released in April 1999 and was the fourth and final album from Ben Folds Five. It cracked the Top 40 of Billboard's Album chart and reached No. 3 on Billboard's Top Internet Albums chart. “When MySpace approached me about doing this gig,” Ben Folds said, “I misunderstood and thought they wanted us to play Purple Rainfront to back, so of course I said yes. But we're happy to do "The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner" instead. Of our three albums, this one brings back the most vivid memories. It was actually written to be one song of many movements, which is why there are motifs that appear throughout the album. That should make 'Reinhold' a natural to be played front to back."Proceeds from concert will benefit Operation Smile: Changing Lives One Smile at a Time. For more information, please go to operationsmile.org.

I'm speechless. Ben Folds Five reunited playing their best album in its entirety. I'd love to chat some more but I am off to donate some plasma and other body fluids and/or parts in order to make sure this happens. Good luck to me!
Ben Folds Five
I'm donating my frequent flyer miles to get you and Elise there. And I am poised for Sept. 8th at 10 am to help secure tickets. I know you'd do the same for me if it was Sawyer Brown. Good thing for me they are as accessible as just heading over to the Sandy Amphitheater.
This is unbelieveable. You cannot miss this. Maybe I cannot miss this. You can at least count on me on September 8th.
You have two lungs and two kidneys. Selling one of each can't be as bad as it sounds.
Alternative: sign over one of your daughters, and it's all expenses paid, baby! We'll take either one! Think of the music!
Forget the lungs and kidneys. I know you and Mike considered sacrificing a testicle to the U for 25 grand at one point. Maybe this is your solution.
I'll outbid anyone for Priscilla - I'd take them both but I don't know if I can survive another round of diapers. Priscilla is older than Ryan and I'm counting on her to whip Ryan into submission (since I clearly am unable to).
I don't really have any use for the extra testicle you are selling but I will ask around and see if I can find a home for it.
You can stay at my sisters house (Lyric)...she doesn't care. she is always taking in people no matter how long its been sice she saw them or what body parts they are missing.
First, Hagoths family lives in NC. So there's your place to stay right there. I'll donate some Doritos and Mtn. Dew for trip.
Second, I had no idea that Ben Folds Five even broke up...then again...I've never listened to them either.
I'd stay with Hagoth's family - those Samoans know how to feed people in a big way. Penny's family is from NC too but I wouldn't stay there unless Hagoth's family runs out of food or Dalyn's sister refuses you. Recently, Penny's mom called her up and asked her what she wanted her to do with her baby book (one, singular) and yearbooks (three) because she just no longer had room for them. Keep in mind, the house is huge and Penny has lived on her own, across the country, since she has worn a bra (late bloomer). I can't imagine that if there isn't room enough for 4 books she can make room for two more bodies. Wait, I think I just hijacked your blog on a topic totally unrelated...weird...this seems familiar.
First - I never gave Rob a proper welcome. He deserves his own small post this evening because I don't want to take the focus off of BF5.
Second - Spammon welcome back. It had been too long.
Third - my plan to appear pathetic seems to be working. I'm glad that everyone has put aside their differences and is looking to help KG get to NC.
Fourth - I don't think I can stay at the Lelepali's home because Bruce has not liked me since we gave him the wrong pizza at Peter Piper Pizza back in the day.
And last but not least, I will not comment on Corbie's latest hijacking because I do not want Penny to threaten to crush anyone today. Not on Ben Folds Five day.
See, today of all days would be a great day to threaten crushing....why, you ask? Well obviously due to the fact that this may be the one and only time (lest I meet Lance Armstrong and after living out my fantasies (yes plural) with him, I leave him with a simple threat)that I can threaten to crush someones "ball" - yes, singular. Rethink this KG and let me know. If all of these other offers fail, we have connections with hotels all over the world. Discounts my friend, discounts.
LOL!!! Are you kidding? All you guys from Jordan are golden to my parents. My dad loves his pizza but I'm sure he's over that :) The only problem I see with staying there is it's about 4 hours away from Chapel Hill. Now on the other hand, Emma lives in Charlotte which is much closer to chapel hill than Holden Beach ;)
Penny - What if I charged you $500 to crush one ball? That might pay for my trip in one shot (no pun intended.)
Hagoth! Welcome to the Skog Blog my friend. Good to hear that ol' Bruce has forgiven Brad and myself for giving him regular crust and not pan pizza. The man does love his pizza. What took your padres out to NC? Darin Drive hasn't been the same since.
Hagoth - has Ammon not explained to you my disdain for the acronym LOL? Or worse yet, he has explained this to you and (gasp!) you don't care? Because here is the deal. I actually laugh out loud - like often and quite audibly. So, when I do so, I tell people 'that just made me actually laugh out loud'. But it seems that people use LOL when something is slightly funny - you know like enough to make you smirk or even less. So, the question is, did you really laugh out loud? Because I like when people do that.
I think I just committed another hijacking. Sorry - go Ben Folds and UNC!
What the hell corbie...I explained it to you quite simply. It's acknowledging the comment. It's a ranking of sorts. Giving street cred. Simple math.
lol < LOL < lmao < LMAO < rotflmao < ROTFLMAO
To answer your question Corbie, yes I actually did laugh out loud and I can totally understand your disdain for the usage of the acronym.
Kirk, Ammon showed me your blog - I will now be a frequent visitor and I hope you can get to NC to see that concert!
Okay, $500 sounds reasonable. Done. My family would be happy to house you, provided you bring aforementioned books back with you so they can erase all memory of me once and for all. My mom lives in Charlotte and my brother in Winston Salem. You pick. My moms house will have wine and my brothers house will have kids, dogs and cats soooo.....
Hagoth - looking forward to hearing from you more often and for you to back me up if/when I decide to start telling tales from the Blue Van...
Pennylane - I'm allergic to cats and Wheels does enjoy her wine so sounds like I need to get in touch with Mama Lane. Plus I really should pick up those books. Just not sure if I can fit them in my luggage. Mama Lane is so desperate to be rid of them they must be HUGE.
Mama Lane was desperate to be rid of her children...the books are just an afterthought.
Go Ben Folds and UNC!
How bout someone who actually lives just outside Raleigh?
I myself would preffer Holden Beach but I'm more of a Tonga fan myself so I better stear clear. Now half Hawaiin half Samoan is like 1/4 better than a Tongan so, once again, Holden Beach it is.
Seriously though, Lyric lives 5 minutes from NC State which is about 30 minutes from UNC. She is if anything, a Beetdigger at heart.
O yeah, I had to explain LMMFAO to my wife yesterday.... now I'm grounded for a week.
Pennylane is the coolest hookup ever. Please don't erase her memory but publish yearbook photos on the web as a tribute.
Everywhere we go, I hear, 'Pennylane is the coolest hookup ever'. You say hookup I say hooker...potato, patawto, right? Keep your pants on Penny.
Thanks Rob. I knew SOMEONE would see it my way. Corbie - you just can't resist calling me a hooker at every turn can you? Now, back to Rob. SHOW YOURSELF! I tried to click on your profile and it seems like you have it set to private....what/who are you hiding from? My filthy sailor mouth?
Oh and Corbie, I will not keep my pants on! I will not I will not! Sorry Kirk, for turning your blog into a PG 13 blog. Can Priscilla read?
I don't have a blog... I try to publish on my mac podcast and that never happens. Just think back to the movie Willow and that's me minus the magic.
Back to Ben. I am currently setting jars in every convenience store with the KG story and why people should donate. Don't worry KG I only want a 60/40 split. LOL (but not really, more like smiling silently but nobody would understand SS)...
As one who loves to stay on subject, did you realize that I also have an unauthorized biography of Reinhold Messner in my notebook and on my blog?
Yup, me and Ben. It was suppoesed to be the Ben Fold's six but the other guys kept getting pissed because I don't actually play any instruments.
Dear corbie,
I did not intend to leave you off the coolest hookup list. If you were truly serious about frequent flyer miles then you just went to the top of the list even with your pants in place.
KG's little buddy.
I am just ROTFLMAO because of Dalin with an 'i's "As one who loves to stay on subject"...he just can't resist trying to keep us all in line. You know it is impossible, Dalin. You should surrender to it.
Go Ben Folds and UNC!
at least you arent ROTFLMMFAO
That is because I didn't want to get grounded by Kay.
Go Ben Folds and Tar Heels!
(see, with my little one sentence afterthought, I manage to stay on topic better than you).
I wonder if Ben Folds knows Michael Jordan he was a Tar Heel you know. Does anyone know how much his rookie card is worth now days?
Watch out Rob with an 'o' - Dalin with an 'i' won't like that wandering train of thought one bit. I wonder if Michael Jordan knows Kevin Bacon? Partly because of the 6 degrees of separation thing and mostly because I want to marry K-Bac.
Go U2 and the Utes!
No more "Go Tarheels" or "Go U2" or "Go Utes" or I will shut this thing down. I can't have that on Ben Folds Five day.
Thats right... have some respect for Ben Folds Favre.
After Kev, Brett is totally my next pick. Go Green Bay! (still haven't adjusted to the change).
Well, I think I have one less friend now - nice knowing you, Kirt.
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