This morning started out like most mornings. I did the '3 S's,' made some Yerba, drove to work, fired up the computer, logged into MSN Messenger and got ready for another day of fun on the job. I was immediately messaged by plugged in Skog Blog Reader, Vanwarmer, a guy who 'knows people that know things' and he shared the most beautiful news that mine ears had heard since the Ben Folds Five reunion - The Flight of the Conchords are coming to town! Here is some sort of proof:

Tix go on sale this Friday. Stay tuned for more developments.

There were poster about this all over NYC - Marti and I kept trying to take a phone pic to send to you but someone was always standing right in front of the posters on the subway...usually it was someone who looked like they wouldn't be too happy if I asked them to move so I could take a phone pic.
They are coming to Philly as well...when I'm out of town.
Just in case you or anyone else was interested, I suppose you could veto this, but I would welcome any Skogblog readers at Saturday's little function.
It's funny, because a few weeks ago I said to Lindsey, 'If those guys came to town, I would definitely pay to go see them'. And low and behold a few days later I hear this news.
Spammon: Lo' and behold, you really are trying to steal my friends. First the donut lovefest over on your blog and now this? Get a room.
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