I have been receiving many emails from all of my avid readers asking who are these random commenters? Well here is a quick breakdown and introduction of those who have posted on the Skog Blog:
Kim - my sister, my neighbor, my personal Shaman and wise woman. You can read more about her on the Recovering Type A link.
Jen - my sister, also my neighbor (we G's are starting a compound - for applications to our cult please send me a private email...) Although she hasn't commented much about the tunes she was one of the first people to introduce me to cool music. I remember looking through her cassettes as a kid and thinking, "What are these Femmes and why are they so Violent?" Read about her on Us On A Good Day.
Brohammas - life long friend, college roommate, fellow Yerba mate drinker and pusher of kava. Check him out at Pages From My Notebook.
Corbie - first middle school crush, resident free thinker, and blog junkie. Don't be fooled by her love of Sawyer Brown she actually has fairly good taste in music. Her only flaw is her Fantasy Football overconfidence. For daily laughs read her at Random Musings.
Aaron - brother in law, big brother, resident Billy Ocean ball buster. Claims to love music from the 80's but is a closet fan of Evanescense so take his music opinions with a grain of salt.
FlankSteak - little brother who has been brainwashed by me. Hence the hatred for all things U2 and similar tastes in everything else. Not a fan of blogs but I will continue to brainwash him until I break him.
Spammon - Corbie's mom's assistant's husband... how's that for an intro? Also happens to be the cousin of the Lelepali brothers, Hagoth, and the late, great Christian. Any Lelepali relative is a friend of mine.
Joshua - Concert buddy, lover of all good music and all around class act.
Utah Fun - brother in law, big brother and resident hunter. Don't let his picture frighten you, his gun really isn't that big.
And finally, Vanwarmer. Who is Dr. Vanwarmer? The man bursts onto the Skog Blog with a dissertation on classic rock. This is a man who has a Phd in not only education but in music and pop culture. I take quite a bit of pride in my music snobbery but compared to Dr. Vanwarmer I am a cast member of "The Hills." A fake snob. The man is an encyclopedia and he will be turning up around her more often hopefully to enlighten and teach us from the School of Rock.
And for those of you who are wondering, No, Vanwarmer is not an alter ego of mine. The man is real. Too real...
I like how clever I am with my name. No one would ever guess.
Thanks for the commenter explanations. I was just asking Aaron, who in the crap is FlankSteak? I knew I liked him. Nice to know Bryan is getting sucked in.
And if by shaman you mean, mentally unstable, crazy, and prone to hallucinations, I am your gal.
Well now that my music credibility has been shoved under the music bus and ran over a couple of times, I suppose this is my last blog on this forum for music discussions.
Damn that Amy Lee and her haunting lyrics.
Apparently if I secretly listened to Sawyer Brown in the closet my music cred would still be alive and well.
Secondly, I am hoping that whatever my kids listen to and consider classic rock is the Femmes more than DIO.
Finally, I youtubed some billy ocean, and i would have to say walking the halls of the office building singing Caribbean Queen was quite enjoyable, I will still have to go with Unforgettable Fire as the superior album.
Now that I know who flank steak is I am left to figure out the significance of the term flank steak and what movie reference it refers to. This blog makes me feel less and less hip every day.
Two mentions of the Femmes, I can't resist. I submit they are the most "singalongable" band ever.
I have a confession:
I really love Natasha Bedingfield.
Trust me Jen, if you knew the meaning of Flank Steak I'd be more worried about you than if you didn't. It's obscure and you are probably better for not knowing about it.
Ahhh Hagoth, the man who introduced me to Shabba Ranks. Unfortunately he also introduced me to early morning abductions and t-shirt ninjas.
Take it back, Kirt, take it back...before I forget your name like Grandpa Duke. I'm good with the middle school crush reference - you were my first crush too so we are even on that one. Free-thinking? Fine, though it makes me sound like a pot-smoking hippy and I am most definitely not a hippy. Blog junkie...well, everyone has a vice, and if you count the pot, that makes two for me (tell your readers I am kidding with that one). And you slammed Sawyer Brown (it isn't the first time) but I can forgive it yet again. But fantasy football overconfidence? Let me into that pansy league you play in, and we'll see who's talking then, Kirt.
The best part? Marti is sitting here with me (still - I can't get her to go to her own bed) and just noticed that my 'captcha' is hipihv. As in, hippy...which is most definitely not me.
kg - Knowing now that we were smashing mailboxes on a few occasions in the past makes seals our friendship.
Brohammas - So you knew Hagoth as well? Were you all Beetdiggers then? I was a proud Panther.
And for both of you: I need a copy of Peter Tosh's Honorary Citizen set. My discs have been scratched and one last for years and I've been missing it.
We have both known the Lelepalis since kindergarden. We were in Christian's class and are very much Beetdiggers.
Ahhhh Panthers... Rivo Skeen, Jeff Holtry, Asi Mohi.... good times, good times.
This is like stepping into a Delorian and hitting 88mph.
I haven't seen Asi since he went to prison for his murder conviction. And I haven't seen Rivo since H.S. I'll still remember the fight those two had against Brandon White. 2 on 1 and Brandon was handling himself like a champ. And it all started with Rivo gave Brandon a wedgie. Then Coach Holtry grabbed all 3 in a headlock at once. No wonder Jeff was so damn big. It was in his genes.
I gave KG Hagoth's email, so hit him up if you want to get in touch with him again.
I've made a few visits to Spam and Eggs. Dude is a hoss these days.
Asi broke my nose Soph year in football (I have broken it twice since then as well). Solid runnner for not being a real big guy.
I still remember hurdling over a trundle bed to keep Hagoth from stealing my helmet (he thought it was my roommates) at football camp.
Stinkin' t-shirt ninjas are crafty.
Hi all.
Just a reminder.
Asi Mohi was released from 15 years behind bars 9-8-08.
Rip Van Winkle.
What a long haul. How does one pick up the pieces and move on after that.
About to begin a Sr. year as a Co Captain of a winning HS football team & having to sit out that glory & the next 15 years in prison while your teamates move on to careers & marrage.
Holy Sheeee-it !
anonymous - I had no idea Asi was released this year. I hop ehe can get things going for the better now that he's out.
Why do you care if Asi Mohi is out or not, his human just like us and I hope he move on with his life and better. what ever happened he can't just turn around the clock and pretend it did not ever happened. I wish him luck in the future ahead of him, and be the best he can be. I bless his family members for all they have gone through. Asi, just move forward and remember that the man upstairs is watching over his children no matter the right or wrong we choose in our life's, just pick-up ourself and move forward. May god bless you always.
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