Here is a small sampling of their songs:
Click, Click, Click, Click from the Broken String
Middle Management with footage from Nick and Norah
Things Are What You Make of Them (Sorry this video sucks so bad)
So perhaps you liked them? Perhaps you did not. IRREGARDLESS, I would like to announce that Bishop Allen is coming soon in concert to our neck of the woods. I have never seen them live. The only person I know who has seen Bishop Allen many times is Flanksteak (zing!) Because of this I would like to announce the First Annual (bi-annual, quarterly, who knows) Skog Blog Meet, Greet and Mingle. On November 14th (it's a Friday don't worry) Bishop Allen will be playing at Kilby Court. Tickets are only $8. Have you ever wondered what Vanwarmer looks like? Interested in meeting AB or KG in person? Per chance you are intrigued as to how hot Wheels really is? Or maybe you would like to spend the night engaged in conversation with Corbie or Spammon? Everyone is invited (even you Brohammas, book your flight.) More details will follow depending on interest level. Skog Bloggers already confirmed to be in attendance are KG, Wheels, AB, Vanwarmer, Flanksteak and his lovely wife. Come on readers, dinner and a night of good tunes. It's cheaper than a movie. I'll even provide the nametags...

I like the sound of this org.... anized gathering for good tunes. Will you send me weekly reminders complete with a countdown. :)
Maybe if I start selling my plasma now, I'll ba able to fly out.
I'd saythis is the party of the century.
I have e-ticket, I have printed it off, and I am excited to meet and greet the skog blog group.
I have been enjoying bishop allen...a lot, and this should be a fun show!
Is there somewhere we should meet, then eat, then greet?
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