Salute Your Solution - The Raconteurs
You take Jack White from the White Stripes, a little of the criminally underrated Brendan Benson and add a couple of dudes from the Greenhornes and you have the rock super group The Raconteurs. They released their sophomore album in March this year (another that just barely missed the Top 12) and this tasty number was the first single from the album. Prepare to have your socks rocked off. Also, I apologize if this video causes any Skog Blog reader to have a seizure.
Album of the Year - # 10
Amos Lee - Last Days at the Lodge

Amos Lee is like the male equivalent of Tracy Chapman. The man has a voice that is distinct yet extremely pleasant to the ears. I purchased his self-titled debut album in 2005 on a whim just because I thought he looked like a cool dude on the cover. I had not even ever heard his stuff, his look just intrigued me. Well I will be forever grateful that I did. Amos just keeps putting out solid albums. Last Days at the Lodge is his third album and probably my least favorite of the three but that still means it is better than 98% of all albums ever released in the history of time. Pick it up and you won't be disappointed. The one problem is that you might listen to Mr. Lee and only Mr. Lee until sometime in the spring. Frankly that won't be anything of which to be ashamed my friends.
Sadly there aren't a lot of videos of the songs from this album. Go to his website here and please listen to Ease Back. Fantastic song.
12 Days of Christmas BONUS!
So I don't feel like Amos is getting a fair shake. So here is a tune from his first album that will show A) how friggin awesome he is and B) how friggin awesome he is live.
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