Song of the Year - # 7
Pretty Amazing Grace - Neil Diamond
I just heard this song live, in person about 2 hours ago. It was quite a Skog Blog reunion. Wheels, Corbie, Flank Steak and VanWarmer were all in attendance. In case you are wondering, yes Neil has still got it. This song is from his most recent album Home Before Dark, which as spectacular as it was, didn't quite resonate with me as much as his previous album 12 Songs. This is Older Neil at his finest.
Album of the Year - # 7
Flight of the Conchords - Flight of the Conchords

I have owned comedy, novelty type albums in the past. They are usually funny for about 1 month and then they gather dust on your shelf for the rest of their existence. Not only are these songs hilarious they hold up on their own as quality songs. If you didn't listen to the lyrics you would just assume they were Top 40 songs from whatever genre the Conchords happen to be parodying during any given song. The only reason this album isn't higher on my list is that there are 2 stupid songs on this album and the Conchords have many other songs in their catalog that could have been released and made this album even more of a masterpiece. Skog Blog readers should have already seen enough of these videos so rather than repeat them I will link to the Season 2 Premiere of their television series.
Pretty Amazing Grace - Neil Diamond
I just heard this song live, in person about 2 hours ago. It was quite a Skog Blog reunion. Wheels, Corbie, Flank Steak and VanWarmer were all in attendance. In case you are wondering, yes Neil has still got it. This song is from his most recent album Home Before Dark, which as spectacular as it was, didn't quite resonate with me as much as his previous album 12 Songs. This is Older Neil at his finest.
Album of the Year - # 7
Flight of the Conchords - Flight of the Conchords

I have owned comedy, novelty type albums in the past. They are usually funny for about 1 month and then they gather dust on your shelf for the rest of their existence. Not only are these songs hilarious they hold up on their own as quality songs. If you didn't listen to the lyrics you would just assume they were Top 40 songs from whatever genre the Conchords happen to be parodying during any given song. The only reason this album isn't higher on my list is that there are 2 stupid songs on this album and the Conchords have many other songs in their catalog that could have been released and made this album even more of a masterpiece. Skog Blog readers should have already seen enough of these videos so rather than repeat them I will link to the Season 2 Premiere of their television series.
I'm not a very good Neil Diamond fan (despite claiming to be the best) because I hadn't heard that song until tonight - great song, great concert.
Your countdown is very ambitious and very on time, even after a concert. I'm very impressed. I have yet to post Halloween pictures.
I will be forever grateful for your informing me about that album, and Wednesday is my favorite day of the business week.
It's business time...
The concert was quite a spectacle. The man sure knows how to make an exit. And of course he has still got it. My favorite part of the show was when he said "I go to where the noise is." .... I had no idea Neil Diamond was such a noise junkie!
Oh. And one other thing. I have never, ever seen so many wheelchairs, walkers, and oxygen tanks at a concert in all my life. Good times!
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